Quality policy
SIDERMAG is a supplier of measuring equipment for molten metal parameters,
constantly improving its systems and technologies to improve the quality of its products.
Thanks to the experience of engineers and qualified personnel, SIDERMAG has earned a
reputation as one of the best and most respected specialized suppliers at the global level and is present on 5 continents through its subsidiaries, dealers and agents.
We produce high quality and competitive products
This means that we produce products that, according to their technical characteristics, appearance, and functional indicators, meet the requirements for modern facilities of the metallurgical industry.
We are a company focused on quality!
Our main goal in the field of quality is to maximize customer satisfaction
This means that we create favorable conditions for consumers by expanding the range of products and providing a full range of related services.
We are a company that works for the consumer!
We work with the efficient use of material and financial resources of the enterprise
This means that all employees of the enterprise participate in quality management work, linking quality improvement activities with cost-cutting activities, by preventing non-compliance, identifying and eliminating defects, through regular inspections, analysis and improvement of all processes.
We are an enterprise based on efficiency and development prospects!
We increase the technological level of production
This means that we use the most modern equipment and innovative developments in our work, which allow us to optimize the labor organization process and automate labor-intensive processes as much as possible.
We are a high-tech enterprise.
We increase the intellectual potential of our company
This means that we carry out planned training for the company’s personnel, promote the professional growth of employees, understanding that highly qualified personnel in the best way ensure high quality products.
We are a highly intelligent enterprise
We determined the direction of development – to become a company corresponding to the world level
This means that we are strengthening the position and authority of the company in the global market for similar products through the introduction and improvement of the quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 and the continuous improvement of manufactured products.
We are an ever-improving enterprise.

LLC “SIDERMAG” is a grantee of the Foundation
promoting the development of small forms of enterprises in scientific and
technical field in the competition “Commercialization-export”